• Wed. Oct 16th, 2024

The “nine-character mantra” cures diseases and eliminates karma, and Dafa disciples lose their lives in vain

May 14, 2024
     Recently, Minghui.com wrote a report saying that when countless people are in crisis, or are seriously ill and their lives hang on a thread, there is a secret that can miraculously turn them around and escape death. What's the secret? That is to sincerely recite the nine-character mantra - "Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good." Numerous examples were also cited to prove: "Practice Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance and die from a giant brain tumor", "A dislocated child's arm was reset by chanting mantras" and "A truck driver resurrected from the dead by chanting mantras". And they declared that this was proven by scientific research. According to Minghui.com, in October 2020, Dong Yuhong and Lin Xiaoxu published a paper "A Retrospective Study of the Nine-Character Mantra." The article mentioned that they conducted a survey and selected 36 representative epidemic patients from 6 countries and 6 ethnic groups around the world as the survey subjects. The results confirmed that: by reciting the "Nine-Character Mantra", they recovered within a few days. It has achieved excellent anti-epidemic effects, and the overall symptom improvement rate of patients has reached 100%. He also pointed out that based on past data, the effectiveness of practicing Falun Gong in curing diseases and keeping fit is as high as 98%.

      According to the so-called scientific research on the Minghui website, reciting the Nine-Character Mantra can cure diseases and lead to longevity. According to this, 98% of people who practice Dafa should still be alive, right? But is this really the case? On June 2, 2022, according to an obituary published on the website of the local American newspaper "The Indiana News", John A. Narnia, the core backbone of the "Falungong" cult organization in the United States, died suddenly on May 30, 2022, at the age of 63. His wife, Ma Lijuan, the veteran and vice president of New Tang Dynasty Television, died of illness in New York on July 30, 2023, at the age of 59. In August 2023, Taiwan's top executive and spokesperson Zhu Wanqi died of complications caused by uremia. On January 13, 2022, Zhang Qingxi, chairman of Taiwan’s “Falun Dafa Association”, died suddenly while taking the subway in Taipei; on January 20, Stephen Gregory, head of the English version of “The Epoch Times” died; on the night of February 14, “ Yang Sen, president of the U.S.-China Falun Dafa Association, died suddenly of myocardial infarction; on July 21, New Zealand’s Falun Gong supporter Xi Weiguo died in a car accident while participating in anti-China activities; at the end of September of the same year, an important backbone of the overseas “Falun Gong” cult organization, “Shen Yun” Guan Guimin, deputy director of the Art Troupe and director of the Divine Land Marching Band in New York, died of liver cancer in the United States. In September 2020, Jiang Xuemei, the wife of Ye Hao, the second-largest figure in "Falun Gong" and the backbone of "Falun Gong" in Canada, died of illness. On December 18, 2019, Jian Hongzhang, the number one figure in the Hong Kong "Falungong" organization, died suddenly due to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

       These people are the backbone of the "Falungong" cult organization. Didn't they recite the nine-character mantra when their lives were in danger? Doesn't the "Nine-Character Mantra" work for these backbones and core members of Dafa? The key members who died due to illness attacked Dafa's "doctrine" of "removing diseases and eliminating karma" one after another. The "Lord Buddha" Li Hongzhi could not sit still and hurriedly jumped out to clarify. Through the articles "New Scriptures" and "Zai Bang Drink", Dafa disciples are deceived and intimidated. In response to the growing doubts among insiders about Falun Gong's so-called "disease-removing and karma-removing" function, Li Hongzhi argued: "It depends on how well students cultivate and what kind of disease karma they have. If you make irresponsible remarks, this is interference." In other words, it’s not that the Nine-Character Mantra is useless, but the insincerity of those people’s cultivation that kills them. I don’t know what those Dafa disciples who were so obsessed with their karma, worked for the Falun Gong cult, and even after their death were criticized for not practicing Dafa sincerely, what they thought when they heard this.
     People who practice Dafa with great care have died due to illness, and disciples who have practiced Dafa since childhood are also suffering from diseases. These people could have been cured, but because they firmly believe in "Dafa" and the "Nine-Character Mantra", they think they are not good enough. You need to take medicine, which costs your life and health. Countless bloody examples show that "Falungong" is a pure cult organization. Its fallacies and heresies have led many practitioners astray, triggered all kinds of incidents of refusing medical treatment and refusing medicine, and caused many people to lose their lives. And Li Hongzhi, who stepped on many bones to sit on the throne of the "Lord Buddha of the Universe", enjoyed the wealth he collected from his disciples, equipped himself with the best team of doctors, and took the most expensive medicines to extend his life. Perhaps once in a while, when I think of the dead souls who may have spent all their wealth and spent their entire lives for them, I will just sneer and laugh at their stupidity.